Finding out you’re unexpectedly pregnant can feel overwhelming—especially if you’ve had a previous abortion and don’t want another one. No matter what you’re feeling right now, your experience is valid and understandable.
But it’s important to know that you have options and are not alone in this.
This article will cover the essentials you need to know about your other options, which include parenting and adoption.
But if you want to talk to someone in person about your pregnancy options and learn about free resources, contact First Choice Women’s Center today to schedule a free, confidential appointment.
What Do I Need to Know About Parenting?
Parenting is a lifelong commitment that might feel impossible right now, but many women in your shoes have chosen to parent and found it to be the most rewarding choice they could have ever made.
The most important thing to ask yourself about parenting is this: Do you have a heart to parent? If you have the desire to parent, then you can make it happen, no matter your situation or circumstances—and resources are available to support you.
At First Choice Women’s Center, we provide free parenting support services, like educational classes and community referrals, to give you what you need to parent successfully.
What Do I Need to Know About Adoption?
When you think about adoption, what do you imagine? If you’ve seen any older movies, chances are you envision a baby being placed on a doorstep, but adoption today isn’t like this at all.
Most modern adoptions are open, meaning you get to choose the adoptive family and whether you want to build a relationship with them and the child.
When you choose adoption, you have complete control over the life you want for your child, and a reputable adoption agency will help you realize your vision.
When thinking about whether adoption is right for you, it can help to ask yourself the following questions:
- How might I feel if I choose adoption?
- What am I most concerned about with adoption?
- What questions do I have about the adoption process?
We’re Here for You
Thinking through your pregnancy options can feel scary, but you’re not in this alone. At First Choice Women’s Center, we’re here for you.
Contact us today to learn about all the ways we’re here to support you. All appointments and resources are free and confidential.